Korean J Fertil Steril Search


Korean Journal of Fertility and Sterility 1978;5(1):17-26.
A Preliminary Study on the Characteristics of Sexual Behavior in Korea
JG Rha, BC Cho, KH Meng, SJ Choi, SJ Kim
Department of obstetrics & gynecology, Catholic Medical College
한국인 성생활(性生活) 특성(特性)에 대한 기초적(基礎的) 연구(硏究)
나종구, 조봉춘, 맹광호, 최상진, 김승조
가톨릭 의과대학 산부인과학교실
The purpose of this study is to explore into the Korean Women's sexual life in terms of sexual behavior, sexual attitudes, and sexual experiences. In recent years, it has been generally recognized in both academic area and general publics that traditional norms, values, and patterns of behavior have been rapidly changing in Korea, thus being replaced by new ones. 1. The prevailing preconception that Korean women are sexwise traditional and conservative seems to be no longer true in the present days. 2. In this country, their sexual behaviors and attitudes at least within their marriage have been already westernized, being very similar to those of western women. 3. Knowledge and information of sexual matters held by Korean women prior to their marriage seems to be very limited, compared to those of western women. 4. It seems that Korean women have developed positive attitudes toward sex education practice in their family.


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