Preliminary Report of Use-Effectiveness of Ovulation Method in Korea |
SC Bae, YJ Chung, JG Rha, WS Oh, SJ Kim |
Catholic Family Planning Clinic., Dept. of Obstet. & Gynec., Catholic Medical College |
자연피임법으로서의 배란법의 피임효과 |
배석천, 정윤조, 나종구, 오원섭, 김승조 |
가톨릭의과대학 산부인과학교실 |
Abstract |
In recent years, explosive increase in population has been damaging mankind in terms of deprivation of natural resources and more of economical demands. Therefore, we have thought about problems as to counter-balance the increasing population, and reached a resolution of artificial methods of controlling birth. In the past, though now used in some of contraceptive methods, extravaginal ejaculation, condom were commonly used. But recently, pills, IUD and several kinds of operative procedures are quite popular. Though the recent methods are known to be effective compared with the traditional methods, a certain unwanted side effects as well as limited value of usages now must be discussed. On this aspect, we are trying to research for a ideal methods such as symptom free, more of natural way of family planning and try to zero the failure rate. And also it has been suggested that only if those scientific methods of controlling birth can be base on religious concepts of moral being, it will be enlightened. At the Happy Family Planning Clinic of St. Mary's Hospital, we apply Billing's ovulation method to out-patients who want contraception and usually advise them to use it on a self-care basis. For a retrospective study of the presurvey data analysis and use-effectiveness of the ovulation method from April 1, 1975 to Nov., 30, 1975, we have dealt with a total of 1,383 women (urban areas 465, rural areas 918). The results of preliminary survey were as follows; 1) Among 465 women in Seoul areas, the failure rate was 10.3, which signified unplanned pregnancies of 32 women. 27 of the 32 women were pregnant due to the users own failure and the remaing 5 due to the failure of the method. Therefore, the failure of the method accounted for 1.6. 2) Among 918 women in rural areas, the failure rate was 15.2 signifing unplanned pregnancies in 93 women. The cause of the failure in 81 of the 93 women was attributable to the user's own mistake and that in the remaing 12 to the default of the method. Therefore, the failure attributable to the method accounted for 2.0. |