Korean J Fertil Steril Search


Korean Journal of Fertility and Sterility 1999;26(3):467-474.
Published online January 1, 2001.
A Cytogenetic Study of Amenorrhea.
Kyung Soon Lee, Jung Ho Han, Shin Yong Moon
OBJECTIVEs: Cytogenetic investigations were carried out on 770 women with primary (n=560) and secondary amenorrhea (n=210) to determine the frequency of chromosomal or genetic causes of amenorrhea. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In 770 women with primary amenorrhea (n=560) and secondary amenorrhea (n=210), chromosomal analysis were performed. RESULTS: 1) The most prevalent age group is 16-20 years of age group with primary amenorrhea and 26-30 years of age group with secondary amenorrhea. 2) Out of 560 cases of primary amenorrhea, 343 cases (61.3%) had the normal chromosome constitution and 217 cases (38.7%) had the abnormal chromosome constitution including 46,XY. 3) In 217 cases of abnormal chromosome of primary amenorrhea, 57 cases (26.3%) had 45,X and 34 cases (15.8%) had the 46,XY, 24 cases (11.0%) had 45,X/46,X,i (Xq), 23 cases (10.6%) had 45,X/46,X,+mar and 14 cases (6.6%) had 45,X/46,XY. 4) Out of 210 cases of secondary amenorrhea, 181 cases (86.2%) had the normal chromosome constitution and 29 cases (13.8%) had 45,X/46,XX. CONCLUSION: High percentage of chromosomal abnormalities was diagnosed in primary amenorrhea and most of them were sex chromosome anomalies. In secondary amenorrhea, the prevalence was lower than primary amenorrhea, so a preselection of patients with secondary amenorrhea for cytogenetic investigations seems to be necessary.


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