Korean J Fertil Steril Search


Korean Journal of Fertility and Sterility 1985;12(2):59-64.
Cytogenetic Studies in Primary Amenorrhea
SY Moon, SH Cha, JY Lee, YS Chang
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University
원발성 무월경환자의 세포유전학적 연구
문신용, 차상헌, 이진용, 장윤석
서울대학교 의과대학 산부인과학교실
This investigation represents a cytogenetic study of 382 women with primary amenorrhea. 235 cases (61.5%) showed normal karyotype, 46, XX and l47 cases (38.5%) showed chromosomal abnormalities. Of 144 females with cytogenetic abnormalities, 44 cases (30.0%) showed a 45, X constitution: 37 cases (25.2%) with 45, X/46, XX: 3 (2.0%) 45, X/47, XXX: 11 (7.5%) 45, X/46, XX/47, XXX: 1 (0.7%) 45, X/46, XY: 3 (2.0%) 46, $XX_{p-}$: 2 (1.4%) 46, $XX_{q-}$: 6 (4.1%) 46, X, i ($X_q$): 1 (0.7%) 45, X/46, $XX_{q+}$: 1 (0.7%) 45, X/46, XX, inv(X): 1 (0.7%) 45, X, inv (9)/47, XXX, inv(9). 36 women (24.5%) had a 46, XY constitution and 1 case (0.7%) had a 47, XXX constitution.


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