Effect of Cordycepin on the Cumulus Expansion and Meiotic Maturation of Mouse Cumulus-oocyte Complexes in Vitro |
Gy-Soog Lee |
Department of Biology, College of Natural Sciences, Chonnam National University |
Cordycepin이 생쥐의 난구세포 분산과 난자의 성숙에 미치는 영향 |
이기숙 |
전남대학교 자연과학대학 생물학과 |
Abstract |
These experiments were conducted to know whether RNA syntheis is involved in the cumulus expansion and oocyte maturation of mouse cumulus-oocyte complexes in vitro. Mouse cumulus-oocyte complexes(COC's) were cultured in the presence of cordycepin, an inhibitior of RNA synthesis and its effect on the cumulus expansion and oocyte maturation were examined. The results were as follows. 1. Continuous presence of cordycepin in the medium(200${\mu}g/ml$) inhibited the HCG-induced cumulus cell expansion of mouse complexes. This inhibition was reversible. 2. When the COC'S were preincubated with different concentration of cordycepin plus HCG for 3 hours and then transferred to the plain medium, the HCG induced cumulus expansion was suppressed at $100{\mu}g/ml$ of cordycepin. 3. When the COC'S were cultured with cordycepin after HCG stimulation(3hrs), the cumulus expansion were not suppressed by cordycepin. 4. Oocyte meiotic maturation did not appear to be affected by cordycepin. The data presented here imply that RNA synthesis is involved in the cumulus expansion process and that mouse oocytes are more resistant to RNA synthesis inhibitor than cumulus cells. |