Korean J Fertil Steril Search


Korean Journal of Fertility and Sterility 1985;12(1):71-81.
Clinical Study on Tubal Sterilizations
SK Lee, YK Jin, BH Suh, JH Lee
Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine, Kyung Bee University
난관불임술에 관한 임상적 고찰
이선경, 진영길, 서병희, 이재현
경희대학교 의과대학 산부인과학교실
A clinical analysis has been made on 717 cases of tubal sterilization which had been performed at the Dept. of Obstet. & Gynecol., Kyung Hee University Hospital from Jan. 1, 1976 to Dec. 31, 1980. The results are as follows: 1) Prominant age group consisted of those 26-30 years old with frequency of 43.9%, the average being 30.6 years old. 2) Women having 2 living children represented 52.4% of the total and the average No. of living children was 2.5. 3) According to the sex of their children, 29.7% of all cases had one son and one daughter. 12.1% of cases had no son, while 25.7% of cases had no daughter, which showed a trend of male preference. 4) 47.7% of total cases had not experienced artificial abortion before sterilization and the mean No. of artificial abortion was 1.8. 5) With respect to interval between last delivery and tubal sterilization, 76.1% of cases was sterilized within postpartum period (including-c-section) and 12.4% of cases was sterilized within 3 years. 6) The contraceptive methods prior to sterilization were 42.8% with no method used, 17.7% by condom, 16.6% by oral pills, 14.9% by IUD method. 7) 84.5% of puerperal sterilization operation was performed within 48 hours after bearing. 8) Sterilization procedures were coincidentally performed with appendectomy (36.7%), D&E (15.8%), perineorrhaphy (5.0%), salpingectomy (1.8%), and ovarian cystectomy (1.5%). 9) General anesthesia was performed in the majority cases (88.4%). 10) Complications after the procedure were encountered in 7.8% (56 cases), but no intensive medical care was required for these complications. 11) The failure (0.3%) resulting in intrauterine pregnancies occured after the laparoscopic sterilization.


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