Effect of Isolation by Albumin Density Gradients on Head's Size of Bovine Sperm |
Myung-Cheol Kim1, Chung-Ho Jo2, Soon-O Chung3 |
1Institute of Agricultural Development, Yonsei University 2College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University 3Chung's Clinic and Hospital |
Albumin density gradient 방법에 의한 고활력 우정자 분리시의 정자두부크기의 비교관찰 |
김명철1, 조충호2, 정순오3 |
1연세대학교 농업개발원 2서울대학교 수의과대학 3정순오 산부인과의원 |
Abstract |
In order to obtain high proportion of Y sperm the semen was laid over 6%,10% and 20% bovine serum albumin. Separated sperm were stained with quinacrine mustard in order to see F - body which could be seen in human Y sperm. But we could'nt find F-body in the bull sperm. So sperm were compared with size of sperm head. As a result of observation separated sperm was small in size of length and width of sperm head as compared with control sperm. So it was found that the proportion of Y sperm showed a marked increase in separated layer. Then the higher albumin density was, the higher the proportion of Y sperm which had smaller head and faster motility was. But the higher albumin density was, the lower the recovery rate of sperm was. So it was hard to separate Y sperm in oligospermia. |