The Clinical Trial of Quicure Vaginal Irrigation on Cenvico-Vaginitis |
Dong-Hoon Whang, Joo-Youn Cho, Hyun-Mo Kwak |
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Yonsei University College of Medicine |
Quicure Vaginal Irrigation에 의한 자궁경부염 및 질염치료에 관한 임상적 연구(예보) |
황동훈, 조주연, 곽현모 |
연세대학교 의과대학 산부인과학교실 |
Abstract |
This study was intended to investigate the effectiveness of Quicure vaginal irrigaticn for treatment of cervico-vaginitis. 53 patients who visited to severance hospital during July to December 1982 were included in this study. Antiseptics used for irrigation were 1% KMnO4, 10% Betadine and Albright solution, each solution was prepared for warm ($37^{\circ}C$) and cold ($15^{\circ}C$) form respectively, Acridine Orange immunofluorescent stainiry of cervico-vaginal smear was used for assessment of effectivenese. The results were as followed. 1. On unitial examination 62%s of patients had trichomonas infection, 19% had moniliasis infection, 19% had non specific infection. 2. Smear findings of patients~who had trichomonas infection or moniliasis infection, treated with cold 1% KMnO4 or Albright solution, became>negative except case of on each group. But the findings of all patients treated with warm solution became negative. Changes of findings of patients who had non specific infection showed similar result. This results indicated that warm solution would be better than cold solution. 3. The findings of all patients treated with Betadine solution became negative except, patient who had non specific infection, showed that Betadine solution would be better than 1% KMnO4 or Albright salution. 4. Patients' feeling of using warm saline was more satisfactory than that of cold solution |