Fetal Sex Determination by RIA of Amniotic Fluid Testosterone and FSH |
Min-Whan Koh, Myon-Woo Shin |
Dept. of Obst. & Gyne, School of Medicine, Seoul National University |
태아성별(胎兒性別)에 따른 양수중(羊水中) Testosterone과 F.S.H.의 동태(動態)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) |
고민환, 신면우 |
서울대학교 의과대학 산부인과학교실 |
Abstract |
To determine whether hormone analysis of amniotic fluid could be used for accurate determination of fetal sex, we measured testosterone(T) and follicle-stimulating hormone in 19 amniotic fluid samples. The mean T in amniotic fluid of 8 women earring male fetuses was 310 pg. per milliliter and of 11 women earring female fetuses was 150 pg. per milliliter (P<0.05${\ast}$). The mean amniotic fluid FSH of 1.16 mI.U. per milliliter for 7 women with male fetuses was over trifold lower than that for subjects with female fetuses. The mean amniotic fluid FSH of female fetuses was 3.85 mI.U. per milliliter (P<0.01${\ast}$) Measurement of T & FSH in amniotic fluid may be an adjunct method for fetal sex determination. |