Soo-Kyung Choi1, Yong-Kyun Paik1, Hyung-Hoan Lee2 |
1Cytogenetic Research Laboratory, Cheil General Hospital 2Dept. of Biology, College of Science, Kon-Kuk University |
C-분염(分染)에 의한 사람의 염색체 다형성에 관한 연구 |
최수경1, 백용균1, 이형환2 |
1제일병원 유전학 연구실 2건국대학교 이과대학 생물학과 |
Abstract |
Lymphocyte chromosome preparations obtained by the micromethod (Arakaki and Sparkes, 1963) from 234 our patients (165 females and 69 males) were analysed by C-, NOR-and GC-bandings for chromosome heteromorphisms. The centromeric regions of chromosomes 1,9,16 and the long arm of the Y chromosomes were tested for C heteromorphism. Minor variations found in this study such as inv(9), prominant short arms and large satellites of acrocentrics were also examined by appropriate banding techniques. Of the 234 probands, a total of 125 different C-variants were detected, and the average frequency of the variants per individual was estimated to be 0.53. The observed variations were as follows : 99 qh variants, 5 pericentric inversions of chromosome 9, and 21 satellite and/or short arm variants. |