Korean J Fertil Steril Search


Korean Journal of Fertility and Sterility 1986;13(2):137-144.
Reproductive Performance of Women with Uterine Anomalies
Hak-Soon Kim, Jung-Gu Kim, Shin-Yong Moon, Jin-Yong Lee, Yoon-Seok Chang
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University
선천성 자궁기형 환자의 생식력에 관한 고찰
김학순, 김정구, 문신용, 이진용, 장윤석
서울대학교 의과대학 산부인과학교실
A reveiw of 85 patients with uterine anomalies was made in respect to the incidence, chief complaints, the reason of infertility, fetal wastage rate, pregnancy complications, fetal presentations and obstetric outcome after metroplasty from 1980 to 1985. The results were summarized as follows: 1. Incidence of uterine anomaly was 0.18% among all outpatients (85/48,240). 2. Of the 85 patients, there were 36 with bicornuate deformities (42.3%), 21 septate (24.7%), 18 uterus didelphys (21.2%), 8 arcuate (9.4%) and 2 patients with unicornuate anomalies (2.4%). 3. Uterine anomalies were diagnosed by hysterosalpingogram (54.1%), pelvic examination (14.2%) and other operative procedures. 4. Chief complaints were primary infertility (41.2%), secondary infertility (15.3%), repeated pregnancy loss (12.9%), antenatal care (11.8%) and menstural disturbance (10.6%), etc. 5. Twenty-nine patients with uterine anomalies had primary infertility. The cause of infertility was proved nonuterine in 26 cases and remained unknown in 3 cases. 6. The obstetric outcome of 104 pregnancies was spontaneous abortion in 51.0%, premature delivery in 11.50/0 and fetal loss in 57.7%. 7. Complications of 41 present pregnancies were threatened abortion (22%), premature rupture of membrane (12%) and premature labor (10%), etc. The frequency of abnormal presentation was 35.3% and 64.7% of deliveries was made by Cesarian section. 8. Metroplasty was performed in 13 patients who didn't have a baby because of repeated miscarriage and unknown cause of infertility. Subsequently 8 patients had 9 successful pregnancies: 6 patients had 7 healthy babies and 2 patients are now in pregnancy without any complications.
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