Korean J Fertil Steril Search


Korean Journal of Fertility and Sterility 1987;14(1):29-35.
Complications and Difficulties in Alternative Methods of Conception
Pyong-Sahm Ku
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Korea University College of Medicine
인공수태(人共受胎)의 합병증(合倂症)과 난점(難點)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
고려대학교 의과대학 산부인과학교실
Alternative methods were used in the field of infertility as the latest means for the treatment of misconception. Artificial insemination, which has been commonly used already, IVF-ET and GIFT are also used as artificicial method for conception presently. Appling such methods to the patient, following three categories should be considered; first, there should be an understanding and an agreement from the patient, second, if possible, reduce the cost of hospital expense and relieve physical and emotional problems of the patient, and third, increcrsing the pregnancy rate. Under these considerations, complication and pitfalls of artifical inseminations are a big burden to the physian and the patient. Though the conicicental complications are relatively very rare, detailed laboratoy tests, carefull examinations, and follow-up studies are necessary. In the distribution of the age groups, 40.3% was in the 25 to 29 years group, 30 to 34 years was 45%. 35 to 39 years was 8% and only 3.2% was above the 40 age groups. The range of infertile periods were from 1 to 17 years, and half of the patients were over 5 years, the other group 20% in 3 years and 2 to 4 years were 10%. Among 159 cycles of artificial insemination, there were complications such as infection(1.9%) and discomfort(5%) and abnormal bleeding (0.6%). During pregnancy, clinical abortion (1.9%) and toxemia (2.5%) were shown. Sex of new born infants were, male (68%) and female (31%). Fortunately, there were no cases of psychological complication and genetic abnormality. Indications of artificial insemination for male factors were aspermia (2.5%), azoospermia (28.8%), oligospermia (26.4%) and asthenozoospermia (1.8%), for female factors were irregular cycle (11.7%) and dysmucorrhea.
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