Korean J Fertil Steril Search


Korean Journal of Fertility and Sterility 1974;1(1):49-54.
Effect of Progesterone on the Germinal Vesicle Break'-down of Mouse Oocytes in Vitro
Wan-Kyoo Cho1, Hyuk-Bang Kwon1, Soon-O Chung2
1Department of Zoology College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Seoul National University
2Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Yonsei University Medical School
배양중에 있는 생쥐 여포난자(濾胞卵子)의 핵붕괴(核崩壞)(Germinal Vesicle Break-down)에 미치는 Progesterone의 영향에 관하여
조완규1, 권혁방1, 정순오2
1서울대학교 문리대과대학 동물학과
2연세대의과대학 산부인과
In the present studies, effect of progesterone on the germinal vesicle break-down of the mouse oocytes cultured in the micro tube was investigated. The results obtained are as follows: As dose of progesterone in the medium rose, accordingly the break-down of the germinal vesicle was suppressed. It was found that $ED_{50}$ was 15.7 ${\mu}g$/ml, and $ED_{90}$ 60.7 ${\mu}g$/ml of progesterone. The dose suppressing the oocyte maturation was apparently higher than that on the rabbit or on the mouse embryonal development. The inhibiting effect of progesterone on the GVBD was reversible. The germinal vesicle of the oocytes were broken down immediately in the medium upon removal of the hormone. Progesterone stops meiosis at any stage upon administration, while dbe AMP or theophylline supresses only the break-down of the nuclear membrane. Recovering of the meiotic division of the oocytes once exposed to progesterone was delayed a little. The inhibiting action of progesterone was not altered by adding more pyruvate or in the presence of higher concentration of the mineral ions in the culture medium.


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